Sunday, December 18, 2016

Kai- 6 Months

I'd be lying if I told you I wrote this while Kai was still 6 months. But, I did take his monthly photo while he was still technically 6 months! At Kai's 6 month appointment- he measured in the 3rd percentile for weight and the 87th percentile for height! Tall and thin! We're going to keep working on those solids.

Playing with toys, hanging out with his grandparents, grabbing Harriet's hair, playing is his exersaucer, chewing his feet, biting Sophie the giraffe toy

Being left alone in a room for a few moments, not eating in the middle of the night, mittens

Being a giraffe for Halloween, gaining a tooth, just starting to begin crawling (more of an army crawl!), got sick for the first time- pink eye in both eyes, ear infection and a cold.

Diaper Size:
Size 2 and now 3 after too many explosions

Clothing Size:
Mostly 6 months, things are still too short if they fit in the waist

We attempted more solids this month. You weren't a fan at first, but you are starting to like them more. We started with rice cereal, then added bananas, and are now doing  fruit and veggie purees. (I had thought I'd maybe make some homemade ones, but so far we've been sticking to the premade pouches and jar food- much easier!) You love avocados! You prefer to feed yourself, opposed to a spoon.

Kai Guy, Buddy Boy, Baby Kai at daycare

You regressed in sleep, partially due to the sickness. You are now waking up in the middle of the night, wanting to eat, and then you end up in our bed. This wasn't ever something I thought we'd do, but it makes it so we sleep, so sometimes we do what ywe gotta do. We're going to work on this area.

Gear Used Frequently:
The exersaucer, Oball, Sophie the giraffe, Indestructible books

Recent Outings and Events:
You celebrated Halloween this month. You wore your giraffe costume to music class on Friday with Mormor. Then on Halloween you put the costume on and we "trick or treated" in the neighborhood. More like we went to some neighbor's homes and showed off your costume, and Mom and Dad got a few treats.
It was also the election this month- you voted early and often with Mommy early in the morning, and with Daddy after work. Our family had been hoping to elect Hilary as the first female president, but things didn't work out as we had wanted. That's democracy, well, that's the Electoral College, but you'll learn more about that later in school. We hope you live in a world of acceptance and peace. Kai Guy- We are a bit uncertain with the political future, but we are hoping for the best. You were present at the Election Party and you saw people's disappointment as the results came in- know this is because you are surrounded by people who work so hard for others and want all people to feel respected. I hope you can be a beacon of light for our future.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

He's on the Go!

About a week ago, we really noticed that Kai had figured out how to "move," and could move from one side of the room to the other. I kept telling people at work this past week, "Kai has become mobile!" Well, this sentiment continues to be more and more true. It's still mostly just an army crawl, with rolls, and turns, but he is moving and making mischief! At this point, the speed is still slow, but I know it's going to keep picking up!

On Saturday we were playing in his nursery as I folded laundry. I caught him headed to the wall outlet. Guess we'll need to go buy safety covers! Then I saw him looking curiously at the ac vent that is in the carpet floor. Before I knew it, he was picking up the vent!

We've got a curious little guy on our hands, and I love him to pieces! So much fun to see his personality start to shine through more as he begins to take on the world! I can already tell, it's not going to be a calm adventure! He's ready to explore!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Kai- 5 Months

Written by Daddy this month
Playing with his new friends at daycare, smiling and giggling at people, rolling around on the floor, interacting with and grabbing toys, and pulling on mommy's hair

Going down for naps when there are more fun things to do, being held when he wants to be on the go, and being set down when he wants to be held

Baptism at Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, much more mobility (Alyson at Daycare says that it won't be too long before you start crawling!), and lots of smiles and giggles

Diaper Size: 
Moved up to Size 2!

Clothing Size:
Everything that fits length-wise is way too baggy, but everything that fits in width looks like capris and 3/4 length shirt sleeves. He fits a range of sizes, depending on the item... mostly 3-6 month.

Two meals a day at daycare and much more frequently when mom is around. For some reason, every time you see her, you get hungry!

Kai Guy, Peanut, WiggleButt, KT

Still a good sleeper, making it through the night most nights and coming in for an early morning feeding around 5 or 6 am. Naps are still difficult at home, but Alyson does a great job at day care... some days your naps even last 2+ hours!

Gear Used Frequently:
Ergo and Baby Bjorn carriers, Great Grandma's rainbow quilt, your Whoozit, the dinosaur chest that we keep in the living room to store your toys and books (you love the buckle!), and anything with  a tag to play with

Recent Outings and Events:
This month we celebrated Mommy's birthday by having a dinner party and by going out on the boat on White Bear Lake with the whole family (including Harriet!). On Labor Day weekend, we took a lunch outing to Sea Salt and Minnehaha Falls and visited White Bear Lake for a BBQ. With school back in full swing, we spent time getting used to a new routine with two working parents. On Fridays you go to music class with Mormor each week.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Kai- 4 Months

Taking baths, singing songs and rhymes, playing flying airplane, grabbing Harriet's dog hair, George the giraffe toy, putting items in his mouth, sucking on his hand

You've gotten better at the carseat, we are thankful for that. You still don't like to be alone, or to take naps, or to go to bed early. You never want to miss out on the action.

Smiles all the time! You now roll over all the time. We find you sleeping on your stomach frequently, which scares your mama! You can easily maneuver toys. Going to daycare at Alyson's!

Diaper Size: 
Still rockin' size one

Clothing Size:
You are still a tiny guy, so still some 0-3 months, and 3-6 months. You are long though. You burst through the toes of a cute monster footie pajamas.

You are spreading out feedings a bit, but you still want food a lot, and you enjoy it! You still just enjoy breastmilk. We are trying to wean you from eating before a nap or bedtime, but that's not going great.

Kai Guy, Peanut, WiggleButt

In the middle of August both mom and dad went back to work. You regressed in sleep a bit during my workshop week, waking up for a feeding during the night. We are still really working on naps. You don't take long ones for us. But you will cat nap here and there.

Gear Used Frequently:
Giraffe toy-now named George the Giraffe, Play mat and the piano play mat, you got more into the swing this month, started wearing your Hanna pjs!, Sophie the giraffe

Recent Outings and Events:
This month we went with the Torgersons to Turning Point up near Hibbing. You enjoyed playtime with your cousin, Henry. You hung out with your grandparents and great-grandparents. Each week we went to Parent Share at Mt. Olivet Church. You stayed with the parents group opposed to the nursery since we are still breast feeding. We enjoyed evening walks in the neighborhood. You dipped your toes into Lake Nokomis and the Hiawatha Splash Pad. You hung out with the neighbors at National Night Out, even sitting in the back of a police car. We also hosted our annual softball party, but you mostly hung out with Nana.

Como Zoo with some of the Carlson ladies

Monday, August 22, 2016

Working as a Team

Today was a big day in our household. This post will not be beautifully written, and I've got no pictures, but it's a day I want to remember.

Today was Kai's first day of daycare, the beginning of our 10 month lifestyle. (As educators, we live a ten month life, and a two month life routine wise.)

Things about today:
-Erik worked.
-Emily worked. (8am meeting, got there at 8:05, hey, I tried.)
-Kai's started at Alyson's for daycare, went well!
-Harriet (the dog) was sick all weekend at my parent's while we were out of town, had to be brought to the vet for GI issues, and was put on an IV. My mom helped with this. So helpful.
-Kai had his 4 month appointment at the doctor.
-We ate Chipotle for dinner because that's what you do on days like today.
-Erik sent me flowers at school because he's awesome like that.
-My phone is broken so all of this was coordinated without me having a working cell phone.

I know we have a lot of whirlwind days ahead. But we did it. It's bedtime. Makes me thankful for the support we have conquering days like today.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kai's First Twins Game

Our friends were so kind and invited us to join them for a Twins game last Friday. Karl told us the seats would be good, turns out they were really good, second row!

When we were pregnant and talked about our future child, Erik mentioned wanting to bring that child to Twins' games. He talked about how his dad always brought him as a kid, and it was something he was looking forward to doing with his own kids.

When Erik walked downstairs in his Twins jersey, and Kai in his Twins onesie, I couldn't help smiling. It's fun when things you dream about actually come true.

Game was good, the Twins won in extra innings, though we left at the tenth inning. I watched the actual baseball game closer than I ever watch, scared of any foul balls that could come our way. People around us told us they wanted the ball and would protect the baby, but this mama still got a bit nervous! (Especially after a teenager got hit in the face in the section next to us, and medical had to come help!)

Kai enjoyed the game, looking all around at the lights and people. He even enjoyed just being downtown, looking upward as soon as we got out of the car. Thanks to our friends for the invite!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Kai Timothy- 3 Months

OBall, being held, going out and about, ceiling fans, kicking in the bath tub

Being alone in a room, your carseat, going too long between feedings, being hot, tummy time

Making lots of coo noises, rolling from back to stomach, tracking with your eyes, lots of smiling!

Diaper Size: 
Size One, have tried multiple brands and they've all been working just fine!

Clothing Size:
0-3 months, and some 3-6 months but that's still a tad big. You do not lack clothing, that's for sure! You wore some Hanna pjs that I stared at for months while you were in my stomach. It was so fun to see you actually wearing them!

You like to eat! During the day you nurse about every 2 hours, sometimes 3 hours in between, but that's rare. You have started playing with Mama's hair and shirt while you nurse. Daddy has been giving you bottles when Mom is at grad school or tutoring. You do a nice job taking bottles.

Kai Guy, Kai Kai, Peanut

You have gifted us with sleeping mostly through the night. We generally put you down around 10pm in the crib after nursing, and you usually sleep until 6am. Though, sometimes you still want to eat in the middle of the night. You're not into napping. You definitely don't have a nap schedule, and you really don't like to nap out of our arms. Sometimes we can't believe how many hours you have been awake!

Gear Used Frequently:
Continue to use your Rock N'Play, your giraffe toy, Oball (you have really gotten into this the last week and are now able to hold onto it), muslin blankets

Recent Outings and Events:
We just got back from 5 days at Mormor and Papa's cabin on Leech Lake. You hated the car, and were either screaming or sleeping. But you loved the vacation and loved the adult to baby ratio. You especially loved spending time with Uncle Andy. We also celebrated Fourth of July in Vasa with the Carlsons. Mom has been going to grad class, so on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, you hang out with Dad.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Kai Timothy

Kai Timothy arrived on April 21, 2016 at 2:55pm. He weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. He was 21 1/2 inches long.

He is now seven weeks old. We are settling into our new lifestyle and are enjoying the developments that happen so quickly. He's already grabbing at objects and smiling! We are in love and so thankful!

Monday, April 18, 2016


Our little guy was due on Saturday, today's Monday, but no sign of anything so far. It's such an interesting feeling. I know my life is about to drastically change, and I know it will happen soon, but I don't know just when it will happen. Until then, Erik and I just keep "prepping" and doing ordinary, everyday things.

My last day of work was on Friday, since I was due on Saturday. In my head I thought, "Well there's no way I won't have the baby multiple days into the next week." I know, I know, first time moms often go late. But I think in our current world, we think due dates mean something exact, even though I was warned repeatedly that it doesn't mean much.

My last day of work with my third graders was lovely. For the most part we had a normal day; I taught a math lesson on elapsed time, gave a spelling test, did recess duty, the usual things. But I also got lots of hugs, the baby bump had lots of pats, and we had popsicles at the end of the day. I never want to forget all of the lovely prayers that the third graders have said for Baby T during this school year. It has been an honor to hear my students pray for this baby each day.

My brother, Andy, was in town from Chicago this weekend. He had been hoping to meet the baby, but obviously that didn't work out. So instead we made the most of it and had a lovely dinner at Red Wagon Pizza on Friday night, and enjoyed brunch together at my parent's house on Sunday. (Hope you enjoy the picture below.)

April 16th, the due date, was enjoyable, yet odd. It felt like we had been waiting for this exact day for months, and here it was, and it felt so normal! In the morning we had professional cleaners come to our house for the first time ever. I asked for this as a gift from Erik, knowing I would want a clean house when arriving home from the hospital I loved it, but know it's not going to be a routine thing! Later in the day I went and got a pedicure with a friend, gotta have pretty toes during delivery! Then I went to Target, by myself, which seems odd to do on your due date, but I didn't see any reason not to. Erik and I made dinner, then headed to a friend's birthday party. If there's no labor, you might as well go out!

Clean living room!

Due Date!

So we'll just keep hanging out, doing normal things, waiting patiently for the little guy. The weather has been beautiful these last few days, so lots of time has been spent soaking up the nice sun! On Sunday, (at Dan's pizza party!) friends made predictions to when the baby will arrive. We will see who comes closest!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Nursery Prep

When we bought our new house, we knew the room next to ours upstairs would be the future nursery. Turns out the room quickly became a nursery, only serving as storage before. Things still aren't done, but we're making progress.

We decided to keep the cream color, as it was a little boy's nursery before we got the house. (Also, Erik was excited to not have to paint!) It's a small room, so I don't want it it to get too busy and overwhelming. But, I wanted color and liveliness! I couldn't decide on a "theme," so went with a color scheme instead- blues and greens. So far I'm liking it! I got the crib, shelf and dresser/changing table all second hand! Love it when I get deals! 

The rocker was a gift, and I love it! I went with a bold color, but so far I like it! It's comfy too, which I know will be helpful for those middle of the night feedings.

I'm still waiting on some prints to arrive in the mail. And I've got a bunting banner to order. My decision making skills are not good these days, so I'm still scouring Etsy. So, the room is still coming together, but I'm loving the process along the way. Stay tuned for future finished pictures!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

House, Puppy, and a Baby!

Life got busy for a few months! In May, Erik graduated from grad school and he got a job as a middle school counselor. So, then we bought a house. Then we got a dog, Harriet. She's a labradoodle. Then we found out we are expecting a baby. Baby Boy T is expected to arrive April 16th.

It's been an adventure, that's for sure. But such a wonderful adventure that we are so thankful for.