Monday, September 5, 2016

Kai- 4 Months

Taking baths, singing songs and rhymes, playing flying airplane, grabbing Harriet's dog hair, George the giraffe toy, putting items in his mouth, sucking on his hand

You've gotten better at the carseat, we are thankful for that. You still don't like to be alone, or to take naps, or to go to bed early. You never want to miss out on the action.

Smiles all the time! You now roll over all the time. We find you sleeping on your stomach frequently, which scares your mama! You can easily maneuver toys. Going to daycare at Alyson's!

Diaper Size: 
Still rockin' size one

Clothing Size:
You are still a tiny guy, so still some 0-3 months, and 3-6 months. You are long though. You burst through the toes of a cute monster footie pajamas.

You are spreading out feedings a bit, but you still want food a lot, and you enjoy it! You still just enjoy breastmilk. We are trying to wean you from eating before a nap or bedtime, but that's not going great.

Kai Guy, Peanut, WiggleButt

In the middle of August both mom and dad went back to work. You regressed in sleep a bit during my workshop week, waking up for a feeding during the night. We are still really working on naps. You don't take long ones for us. But you will cat nap here and there.

Gear Used Frequently:
Giraffe toy-now named George the Giraffe, Play mat and the piano play mat, you got more into the swing this month, started wearing your Hanna pjs!, Sophie the giraffe

Recent Outings and Events:
This month we went with the Torgersons to Turning Point up near Hibbing. You enjoyed playtime with your cousin, Henry. You hung out with your grandparents and great-grandparents. Each week we went to Parent Share at Mt. Olivet Church. You stayed with the parents group opposed to the nursery since we are still breast feeding. We enjoyed evening walks in the neighborhood. You dipped your toes into Lake Nokomis and the Hiawatha Splash Pad. You hung out with the neighbors at National Night Out, even sitting in the back of a police car. We also hosted our annual softball party, but you mostly hung out with Nana.

Como Zoo with some of the Carlson ladies

1 comment:

  1. Emily, Kai is so, so handsome! He is so sweet! I wish I had sleep helps...all I know is that seasons change and suddenly there is a new challenge and the old challenges seem to just go away. But back to my main point... he is a really, really good looking baby. :)
