Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of Third Grade

Today was the first day of third grade. My own classroom. Something I've been waiting for for years! My own students. Kids I get to teach all year long!

I am tired. It was a crazy day! But a good crazy day. I love my class. Lots of cute kids with great imaginations. They are ready to learn, begging to spend more time reading today. It will be lots of work. I had trouble sleeping last night thinking about all of the little things. But I like it.

We read Officer Buckle and Gloria and Do Unto Otters to help us come up with our class rules. We filled out charts with post-it notes to help think about what we want our classroom environment to be. It was hot and is only suppose to get hotter as the week goes on.

It's going to be an exciting year.

1 comment:

  1. Emily!
    I am just getting caught up on blogs and was so excited to read this news! Your own classroom!!! I am so happy for you!
