Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Favorite Songs on the Radio These Days

I have a long commute to work..50 minutes each way. For some reason I haven't gotten super into Podcasts or books on tape. I generally just listen to the radio, flipping between a few stations depending what's on.

Currently I have two favorite songs. Very different songs, but both make me happy. One of these songs is sung by an English boy band. This is a little embarrassing, but not embarrassing enough to stop loving the song. Does anyone else out there enjoy this boy band song as much as I do?

Enjoy :)

One Direction- What Makes Your Beautiful-

The Lumineers- Ho Hey-

1 comment:

  1. SONNY!!!

    I had no idea that beautiful song was by a British boy band! I LOVE IT! And.... I was JUST thinking this morning about how much I like the Ho Hey song.

    I bet we are listening to the same things on the radio at the same time. I get sleepy on the country roads if I'm doing books on tape a lot.

    Maybe we should make a mix of our fave commuting songs!!!!
