Monday, January 31, 2011

Jumping Photo Collage

I'm in the midst of making a jumping photo collage for a wall in my bedroom. For years I have taken "jumping pictures" with the idea of putting them all together. Taking a picture jumping is so much more fun than the normal stand there, arms around each other.

With the collage, I have so many pictures, I'm not even coming close to using them all. But I figure I can always change the pictures up as time goes by. Also, I realized that I don't really need individual pictures of myself on my bedroom wall. Even if it is me in front of the Giza pyramids.

Here's a glimpse of some of my favorites.

I'll let you know how the collage turns out!  Send me your favorite jumping shots. I always love new inspiration!



    I'm so upset that we don't have any together (that I can recall)... we should change that sometime!

  2. I adore these pictures! And I'm so inspired to start some jumping pictures of my own. The best part about a good jumping picture is the person whose feet are still on the ground and they're about to jump...I think that's so funny.
