Saturday, December 18, 2010

Angel Ornaments

One thing I've learned about teaching kindergarten, is that as a teacher you must turn a bit crafty. On Wednesday night, I put together 34 wooden frames with a hot glue gun in my living room. On Thursday, all of us kindergarten teachers stayed at school until 7:50pm finishing up the kids' presents for their parents and their 8th grade buddies. Yes, the kids do the projects, but we do the finishing touches and the preparation. Sometimes it feels like we put my time into the projects. Oh well.

I really liked Thursday night's 10pm project though. I gave my kids angel ornaments for their Christmas present. It is super easy, really cheap, and they look cute.

All you need is some red ribbon, a silver bead, and an "ideal clamp", basically a fancy paper clip. I used the small size and bought them from Office Max.

You string it through the middle piece of the ideal clamp. Then add the bead, then tie off the top. Such an easy ornament!

Happy Christmas crafting!

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