OBall, being held, going out and about, ceiling fans, kicking in the bath tub
Being alone in a room, your carseat, going too long between feedings, being hot, tummy time
Making lots of coo noises, rolling from back to stomach, tracking with your eyes, lots of smiling!
Diaper Size:
Size One, have tried multiple brands and they've all been working just fine!
Clothing Size:
0-3 months, and some 3-6 months but that's still a tad big. You do not lack clothing, that's for sure! You wore some Hanna pjs that I stared at for months while you were in my stomach. It was so fun to see you actually wearing them!
You like to eat! During the day you nurse about every 2 hours, sometimes 3 hours in between, but that's rare. You have started playing with Mama's hair and shirt while you nurse. Daddy has been giving you bottles when Mom is at grad school or tutoring. You do a nice job taking bottles.
Kai Guy, Kai Kai, Peanut
You have gifted us with sleeping mostly through the night. We generally put you down around 10pm in the crib after nursing, and you usually sleep until 6am. Though, sometimes you still want to eat in the middle of the night. You're not into napping. You definitely don't have a nap schedule, and you really don't like to nap out of our arms. Sometimes we can't believe how many hours you have been awake!
Gear Used Frequently:
Continue to use your Rock N'Play, your giraffe toy, Oball (you have really gotten into this the last week and are now able to hold onto it), muslin blankets
Recent Outings and Events:
We just got back from 5 days at Mormor and Papa's cabin on Leech Lake. You hated the car, and were either screaming or sleeping. But you loved the vacation and loved the adult to baby ratio. You especially loved spending time with Uncle Andy. We also celebrated Fourth of July in Vasa with the Carlsons. Mom has been going to grad class, so on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, you hang out with Dad.