Monday, February 28, 2011

Strong Weekend

This was a strong weekend. One of those weekends where you are always on the go. But that was ok, totally worth it.

We started out at O'Gara's in St. Paul for happy hour. Love happy hour. Love nachos on a Friday.

Then Linnea and I headed back to Minneapolis to make cupcakes with Meredith. You should check out Meredith's blog.

Look at these rainbow cupcakes. So pretty!

Then after cupcake making, I drove back to St. Paul to play some games with friends.

On Saturday we went to Erik's parents house for lunch.  Also, we tried the homebrew Erik and his dad have been making. It worked! It tasted like beer!

On Saturday night, my friend, Amanda, hosted a fondue party. The food was AMAZING! She got all of the recipes from this cookbook. I think I want the book now.

On Sunday, Erik and I went to the library to find a travel guide for New York City. If you don't already know, I surprised Erik with a trip to New York City. We leave this Friday. But, let's be honest. You probably all already know. It stayed a secret from Erik, but I told practically the rest of the world.

Sunday afternoon I went to a friend's church fundraiser. She's the youth director. She did a great job organizing!

Sunday night, Linnea and I ended our evening at Holden Evening Prayer. Holden Evening Prayer is wonderful. This will one day be its own post, because wonderful things deserve their own post.

I hope you all had lovely weekends. Or STRONG weekends as we would have said in college.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

St. Olaf Archives

On Saturday I ventured down to St. Olaf College to dig through the college's archives. We were getting pictures to display in the upcoming alumni gala. (Which, if you are an Ole, you should come to!) We were especially looking for pictures that displayed student life. Pictures where you could flip flop yourself into the pictures, because you also did that crazy thing in college.

We found some fun ones. We remarked on the hairstyles and the clothing. The girls looked so proper going to class in their skirts and dresses. What would they think of our jeans and sweatpants that we wore to class?

Here are some pictures of me and my friend, Peter, looking through the old albums.

Also, I took some pictures from another computer and put them onto my new one.  Here are some fun ones from my "student life" at Olaf.

100 Days March

President's Ball 2008

23 Day March to the China Buffet

Studying in the library

The night Alissa's crayfish escaped in our pod's common room.

Oh, the good ol' days of college life.  :)